Providence Classical School, Rock Hill, SC.

Providence Classical School is a 4-day/week private, classical, Christian school in Rock Hill, South Carolina.

Our goal is to provide our students with a classical education of the highest quality and to create a private school which is a model of excellence in both academics and Christian character.

Providence Classical School in Rock Hill SC employs the Classical teaching approach with an emphasis on Latin language, mathematics and critical thinking.

We are Classical

We employ methods of teaching and learning that have stood the test of time and that also find support in modern developmental teaching theory.

We include the study of Latin, with emphasis on mathematical and critical thinking skills. We are accredited by the Classical Latin School Association.

Providence Classical School in Rock Hill, SC, is Christian, acknowledging God as the Creator and Sustainer of all things.

We Are Christian

We acknowledge God as the Creator and Sustainer of all things. We believe that He has revealed Himself through his Creation and ultimately through His Word.

He is the author of all truth. We were created to know Him and to bring Him glory. We affirm the Confessional Statement set forth by The Gospel Coalition.

Providence Classical School in Rock Hill SC  is founded on the Traditional teacher-centered classroom model.

We Are Traditional

In the traditional classroom, a knowledgeable, enthusiastic teacher carefully leads students into an understanding of each subject, while maintaining a quiet orderly environment.

The traditional classroom is consistent with human nature. The experience of many decades has shown the superiority of teacher-centered over the modern child-centered classroom.


tour our school

We invite you to visit during our next OPEN HOUSE:

Date and Time Coming Soon!

Or contact our Admissions Director for a private tour by sending us a message!


NEWS & events

February 28 – March 1: Memoria Press Regional Training Conference

March 21: Providence Talent Show “Chronicles of Virtue”
Click here to become a sponsor!

April 1-4: School Closed for Spring Break

April 18: School Closed for Good Friday

April 26: Spring Formal

May 2: Primary Recitation & Promotion Day

May 9: Grammar Recitation & Promotion Day

May 15: Senior Speeches & Awards Ceremony

May 16: Last Day of School; Graduation & Closing Ceremony

Summer Art Camps: Click here for more information and to sign up

August 12: 25/26 School Year Begins

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For families who desire quality education, and believe in the importance of character and Christian values.

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