

Uniform Policy for Providence Classical School in Rock Hill, SC.

Providence offers a wide range of clubs from Debate to Disc Golf. Student Clubs are a great way to explore interests beyond the classroom and students are encouraged to join at least one extracurricular club. Below is more information on each club available to our students.

Chess Club

Bi-weekly Thursdays, 3:45–5:00 pm

The chess club will meet on 2/13, 2/27, 3/13, 3/27, 4/17, 5/1, and 5/8. Providence parent Marcello Orsi will lead the club. It is open to chess players of all experience levels in grades 3-12. The club will culminate in a tournament at the beginning of May. Chess experience is not required. Click here for the meeting schedule and more information.

Creative Writing & Newspaper Club

1st Wednesdays of the Month, 3:30–4:30 pm

Grades 5-12 are welcome. Students will discuss a particular genre of writing each month, including news articles, biographical writing, poetry, and more. After practice and completing a written piece, students will submit for inclusion in the school newspaper. Contact Mrs. Sowell for more info.

Debate Club

Wednesdays & Thursdays, 7:15–7:45 am

Grades 6-12 are welcome. Students will practice speeches until the resolution (topic) for the November 9th debate is announced at Students are welcome to practice even if they are not able to compete on November 9th. Contact Mr. Roberson (parent) for more info. 


Doubles: Weekly, Mondays, 3:00–4:30 pm
Singles: Monthly, Saturdays, 9:00–11:00 am

Disc Golf Club exists as an opportunity for students to play a sport and enjoy God's great creation in a more relaxed environment than is found in other sports at our school. The club will include both a fall and spring season, spanning from October through December and March through April, respectively. Disc Golf is open to all 4th-12th graders and the cost to participate is $40 for the full year. The cost to new members joining in the spring is $25. Members participate in two avenues of play:
(1) Doubles: We will meet to play in a casual doubles format at beginner-friendly courses. The first Monday meeting will be October 28.
(2) Singles: This is a year-long competition where players earn points throughout the season. We will play at various courses that will be more challenging than courses used for club play. The students who finish with the highest points at the end of the season will earn prizes. The first Saturday morning singles event will be November 9.
Contact Mr. Hertha for more info.
Register Here!

Grammar school choir

Wednesdays, 3:45–4:15 pm
(No practice 1/8, 2/12, 3/12, 4/2, 4/9, 5/14 due to faculty meetings and school breaks.)

For 3rd-6th grade students who love singing and want to foster their gift of music. This is a great opportunity for students to build community outside of class and learn the importance of being a part of something greater than themselves while lifting their voices in praise. Contact Ms. Kirby for more information.

Knitting & Crochet Club

1st & 3rd Thursdays, 3:30 pm

Ages 8 and above are welcome. Call or text Mrs. Bryant (parent) for more info.

Pickleball Club

Wednesdays, 4:00–5:00 pm

All skill levels are welcome. Contact Mrs. Patterson for more information.

Yearbook Club

Tuesdays, 7:30 am

Grades 7-12 are welcome. Contact Mrs. Sibrans for more info.

Upper School Bible Study

Fridays, 7:30 am

Middle School Girls – Mrs. Russo and Mrs. Sowell
Middle School Boys – Mr. Grauel
High School Girls – Mrs. Oliver and Mrs. Patterson
High School Boys – Mr. Hertha
