identity and leadership
For social, athletic, leadership, service, and other extracurricular activities, Upper School students are organized into three Houses. Each multi-age House has three primary officers and provides many leadership opportunities.Houses compete throughout the year for points in order to win the coveted House Cup.
Older students serve as role models for their younger classmates, with the result that all students grow in maturity and positive social skills. Each House is named after a highly regarded contributor to the Christian faith: House of Augustine, House of Edwards, and House of Mueller. Our House System has been enthusiastically received by our students, who are creating traditions that will be handed down to future generations.
The Augustine House is named after the notable theologian and philosopher, St. Augustine.
Augustine was raised by a Christian mother and a pagan father. He fell in love with the great art of philosophy at the age of nineteen after reading Cicero.
Into his young adult years, Augustine became aware of a glaring difference between his conduct and his ideals. He was saved by the Lord’s providence and grace after being influenced by the preaching of Ambrose.
Augustine is most known for his two major works: Confessions and City of God. Specifically in the City of God, Augustine wisely utilizes logic and rhetoric to argue the city of God, the kingdom of God, is founded by Jesus, the source of truth, while the earthly city, societies built on human effort, will ultimately and inevitably be destroyed due to the striving without God’s truth.
As a house, we strive to seek, honor, and value God’s truth. With the Lord’s gracious aid, we fight against fleshly desires and the fickle affections of the world in order to pursue the steadfast, unwavering truth of the Lord.

House of Edwards
Jonathan Edwards was an American pastor, philosopher, and theologian. He is most widely known today for his sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. The title of his famous sermon may lead to the belief that he was a temperamental preacher, yelling and screaming whilst focusing on the horrors of Hell and torment.
Although Edwards taught on the true consequences of sin and Hell, his works are grounded in beauty, harmony, and ethical fittingness. Edwards' work The End for Which God Created the World showcases that God's glory is the purpose of creation, which is, in fact, the purpose of our own very lives.
We chose Jonathan Edwards as our House's namesake because of his dedicated belief that God is the ultimate beauty. Edwards once wrote, "All the beauty to be found throughout the whole creation is but the reflection of the diffused beams of the Being who hath an infinite fullness of brightness and glory." As a House, Edwards wants to remind others that beauty comes from God alone and that everytime man sees something beautiful we should reflect and worship the One from whom all beauty flows.

House of Mueller
The Mueller House is named after George Mueller, a Christian evangelist who lived during the 1800s and directed the Ashley Down Orphanage in Bristol, England, as well as establishing 117 schools.
Over the course of his lifetime, he cared for over 10,000 orphaned children and was blessed to have educated over 120,000 with Christian education. He understood the importance of education and a focus on Christ.
Throughout his ministry of preaching the Gospel, caring for orphans, and offering Christian education to many, Mueller did not accept government funding or solicit any financial support (nor did he go into debt). The Lord consistently provided for Mueller and the children under his care, which only strengthened Mueller’s faith.
The House of Mueller stands for goodness. Just as George Mueller used his life to do good and give without boundaries, it is our desire to do the same. The House of Mueller wants to give thanks for breakfast before it is on the table and trust that He will provide for whatever He calls us to!